What To Do When It's Your Turn (and it's always your turn) by Seth Godin
Let me say first of all that I love reading Seth. I have his first 17 books and I have read them all and they are now in my permanent personal library. And for sure it is no accident they are all best sellers and book 18 will be too.
Before I ever got to really reading Seth's book, a statement on page 17 really grabbed me. It said, "If you're thirsty enough, the world is ready for you, more than ever before." Just reading this statement, I knew I was all in! We are very quickly reminded that it is all about opportunity. We all want to make a difference. But we have to recognize that it ain't always easy and there are no guarantees. All too often we miss seeing the solution to problems that are right in front of us. Seth calls this the Broken Escalator Theory. At issue is the fact that opportunity is all around us. The question is will we let the barriers and limits stop us? Yes there is risk and responsibility but at least we have freedom of choice. Seth makes a profound and scary statement when he says, "the majority of men have not yet acquired the maturity to be independent, to be rational, to be objective." We men need to refuse to surrender our freedom. We find that the cost of being wrong is less than the cost of doing nothing. Seth says we have to learn to dance with our own fears. And he says there is nothing wrong with stupid! But we must use stupid to learn. Not everything has to be OK. Failure is not fatal! Seth says the person who fails the most wins. Then we learn that we need dreams but they need to be "concrete dreams." Such dreams give us the what if with the maybe. We are told our world desperately needs truth tellers. We need to see the world as it is and we need to care enough to change things.
Then there is the Marshmallow Test. BUT you are going to have to read about that yourself lest I spoil it by speaking to it. Go read it for yourself.
I agree with Monica Handy who says, to be ready for opportunity we have to "notice, dream, connect, do." To make a real difference we have to grow up and be able to determine what really matters. Chuck Close says, "motivation is for amateurs." We all need motivation because we seek reassurance. Seth speaks to our moods and he challenges us to "do what you should do. Your mood will follow." High expectations and reality sometimes just do not match. We have to understand that tension is not a bad thing. Sometimes we just need to push forward. When opportunity comes we best not be unprepared. We must have done our homework so we are ready. Elon Musk says, "Destiny is in our own hands, if we don't succeed, it's our own fault." The message here is that to succeed, you must try! Seth reminds us that the fear of failure transfers effortlessly into the fear of freedom. If we are not willing to imagine failure then we are not able to be free. The author speaks to pains and he says that if we let the pain of not reaching our potential, WE WON'T. There is no pain free path. The key is to do something that matters! To seek certainty is to lose and fail. And we just must not let fear drive our decisions. Lest we forget, it is never the right time. We just have to step out and make a difference. Seth points out that there is a fundamental difference between being prepared and being ready. He says we are more prepared than we realize. But we are probably not ready, and we can't be ready, unless we are doing something worthwhile. To be successful, we have to show up with mindful effort. Seth says if we really want to suffer, all we have to do is see an impossible world that can't live up to our unreasonable expectations. Michael Shrage points out that both successful organizations and people make change. We have to accept the fact that this might work, this might not. Soren Kierkeguard points out that "not to dare, is to lose oneself."
Seth spends some time talking about "the voice in our brain." He says that voice is describing what you are about to do after a different part of your brain has already initiated the action. Now here is another statement that really grabbed me-"The miracle is not that I finished, the miracle is that I had the courage to start." Rohan Rajiv points out that we create a lot of unhappiness for ourselves by our thoughts of what the world and others owe us. Obligation is not a two-way street! We must not tell ourselves that one day I will be ready. To make a real difference we must be ready and stay ready. Never forget, we are all students and the really good ones show up and say teach me! We must out live the illusion of safety and the mistake of fear. We must be able to distinguish between our needs and being needed.
Page 127 speaks to "LUCK SCHOOL." Researcher Richard Wiseman writes, "My research revealed that lucky people generate good fortune via four basic principles. They are skilled at creating and noticing chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, create self-fulfilling prophesies via positive expectations, and adopt a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good."
As Seth starts to close, he reminds us that:
Failure is not fun but it is required.
There is no shame in failure.
We all need to adopt Nike's slogan "Just Do It!"
We must not let the encroachment of mediocrity and the appeal of compromise drive us.
We must change things quietly and we must avoid NO-people.
This is a must read book! There is much to take away and apply right away.
Doug Newberry
Just Do It, the Nike commercial can easily be applied to Seth Godin's What To Do When it's Your Turn (and it's always your turn) set in and easy to read, almost hard cover book with simple phrases and andecdotes that is just common sense, making you feel that you already know what he has written and you are reading. Fear of stepping out and overcoming your fear is essential to doing it.
Your motivation is thinking that it is always your turn, so don't wait on being asked, just do it. Don't wait for Godot. Grab the brass ring when it comes around to you. Don't procrastinate. All successful people have lived with failure.
The book provides examples of how to overcome fear. Your destiny is in your own hands, As Elon Musk was quoted, "If you don't succeed, its your own fault". This is a practical how do book, that any would be entrepreneur needs to read and digest. The hard part is just starting to do something. The right time is NOW!
You have the chance to change things. When was the last time you did something for the first time? Think about it. Nobody owes you anything. Learn the difference between needs and wants. When asked, its always better to say yes than no. Otherwise you wouldn’t know what you are missing out. Give credit and teach others. Then pass this book on to pay it forward. B
arry Epstein, Boca Raton www.publicrelations.nu
Wow! I didn't know who the young woman on the cover was, but her steely look in her eyes clearly states "It's my turn whether you like it or not!". Glancing through the format of the book one thinks " what is this?", but after reading the first few pages one realizes that this book is no joke. It is pure, raw truth. How I wish this book was written when I was a youngster, but nonetheless, I will give the extra copy to my daughter who is a Freshman in College and I believe will be of great service to her. i will keep my copy close by to re-read many times over to not only inspire me but make sure that i take my turn.
The author has added no fluff to try and stretch it out to 300 pages, but has managed to put together 158 pages of the most direct truth that I have ever read in one book. This book is about making the decision every day to "live" life with no excuses, and taking full responsibility for ones victories as well as one's failures.
What I got from the book is to never settle, and that regardless of age, circumstances, ethnicity, etc, don't let fear of failure stop you from trying anything in this wonderful journey call life.
Esteban Serrano Hollywood, Fl
Making excuses instead of shipping something great? Seth Godin has a punch in the face for you, in book form.
Some readers will dismiss this as yet another horse-apiece Seth Godin book about the importance of doing your own thing. These readers are idiots. If you're not already doing your own thing and shipping it regularly, you need *more*, not less, Seth Godin urging you on. It has never been easier for creative people to produce their own work and share it with the world. All that's standing between you and doing this is your own excuses. Why not break through these artificial barriers and do it? This book will get you started.
Scott Wilson Tampa Bay, Florida www.thatsoftwareguy.com
Forget about any ideas that you have regarding a self-improvement or marketing book. Seth Godin, partly because he's good, partly because he has a great track record and simply because he can, has published what I think is his best production to date. Let me tell you why:
This a thick, heavy paper book that can be read in a couple of hours. At this point you can dismiss it as a series of Facebook posts telling you to be better and work hard. But the problem, you can't dismiss it like that. The book stays with you for days, because it has a remarkable arc, an arc which makes sense.
There are no chapters, or sections, but there is a linear logic, starting from fear to be free to being able to transform your environment, to be uncomfortable, to take your turn. There are multiple snippets that are easy to remember and have immediate, that's-a-good-way-to-look-at-things applicability right off the bat. There are memorable quotes that are developed into coherent ideas, and a lot of personalities that are otherwise unknown gain relevance for small, transcendent acts, like the woman illustrating the cover.
In summary, whether you think you've a stable position in your life (you have not) or are thirsty for pushing the boundaries, this is a great book. Is not deep as a professional thesis, but is a very good place to start.
Miguel Cobas, MD
As requested I passed along the second copy of Seth Godin's book to someone else...Doris, a new friend I've recently begun running with twice a week. Our discussions are what we've come to call "running commentary" and we talk about a lot of interesting topics mostly centered around entrepreneurship and business. We first discussed the chosen format for the book which is more like a series of seemingly unrelated blog posts by Seth Godin. He's published 5500 blog posts, so at first I was suspicious that this book was simply a mashup of various posts. However, after I read the book a second time and after more discussions with Doris, I've come to the conclusion that what I thought of as individual blogs are really part of one larger theme which is: to step out of your perceived comfort zone of safety...whether your version of safety is the illusion of a lifetime job or a single career on which you build your life. Godin points out what a false construct this idea of safety has turned out to be. His rallying cry is for people to listen to the inner voice, buckle down, do the work and fulfill your chosen mission...what he cleverly refers to as "shipping." The naysayers, the self-doubt, the constant disappointment no longer matter. What matters is that you do the work and bring something to fruition.
Godin's book title ("What to do When it's Your Turn") and provocative subtitle ({"and it's always your turn"}) encapsulates his observation that this new world is divided into "program or be programmed." For those people who made the decision to program, this book will be further proof that they're on the right track, but for those who've somehow kept their head in the sand and who continue to seek salvation in security, this book will be a frightening revelation. Godin describes the security seeker's mindset: "We may mistakenly believe that the alternative to freedom, the path of merely doing what we're told and constantly seeking stability, is a better way to spend our lives. Of course, it's not. It's not because the people who are promised stability rarely receive it. The promises are broken, again and again, and we've learned not to believe them. The people who are told that everything will be okay are always disappointed when it's not," Godin says.
In this same section he addresses how people make the mistake of waiting until they're sufficiently motivated to make a change or do the work and he claims that this is tied to the need for reassurance. He counters this belief in a short, but cutting quote by photographer and artist Chuck Close: "Motivation is for amateurs." Godin constantly reminds people to take action, but realizes that what causes inaction is fear. He addresses the fear of looking stupid, but says everyone is stupid until they master whatever it is they're trying to learn...he attributes being stupid as part of the learning process.
Godin's book amplifies many of the themes that are being discussed by similar thought leaders such as Derek Sivers who wrote, "Passion and purpose are emotions that come after expertise and experience. The way to get them is to commit to the path of mastery, get great at something, and do great work." It's common for people to wait for a blinding flash of insight to discover their calling or to believe that they have to have an almost religious-like experience with a muse to be struck to work when really, it's just sitting down and committing to the task at hand, making incremental improvements along the way.
In addition to his quotes and insights, Godin also includes interesting nuggets and stories about people who have taken "their turn" and made a difference. The cover photo is Annie Kenney, a British millworker and suffragette. Kenney went to jail for pushing back (taking her turn) when she asked a member of Parliament why women didn't have the right to vote. Intriguing snippets like this one are peppered throughout the book and make it a worthwhile and satisfying read that I'll refer back to again and again. My only criticism is that it lacks a table of contents and an index, so it's difficult to find and refer back to the MANY memorable passages.
Kathy D. Doran, M.S.Ed. www.wordrunner.net
What To Do When It's Your Turn feels more like a magazine than a book. It is in full color and illustrated with a variety of pictures, art and graphic designs. Overall, it is a collection of short stories and essays. At times, it was somewhat weird and hard to follow and it almost felt like the author was just thinking at loud. Without a doubt, the writing style is unique. Seth Godin does an excellent job in sharing his values and life philosophy. He is inspirational and encouraging. The overall message is to embrace freedom and have the courage to be authentic and do what we feel passionate about while sharing and helping others. I would have liked to see a more business oriented book more like his usual work but I took it for what it was and inspirational book. I did not know what to make of the numerous typos throughout the book. I even asked myself if it was done on purpose to proof a point.
Pilar Somoza North Bay Village
I realize I am probably in the minority here, but I did not like this book. Let me say from the start, I really, really wanted to like it from the moment it (they) arrived. I loved the way it looked & even smelled, with that new book smell. The graphics were great as was the layout & the pictures. I especially loved seeing Shari Lewis' alter ego, Lamp Chop. But I digress.
I almost found this book as kind of a diatribe. The author goes on & on about things of various nature & will comment on them with nonsensical answers. Or maybe it's just because I disagree with a lot of the things he writes. I realize it is his book & his opinions are all that matter here, but I just don't get it. Maybe it's me. Case in point, when he writes about "Scratching itches." He says you can't do anything about an itch. Well, sure you can. You can choose to leave it alone, scratch it or use an ointment on it. Maybe I am taking things too literal, but I found the whole book to be in that vain.
I would not recommend this book. I feel there are better books to spend my time reading and/or to spend $34. on. Sorry. And to paraphrase Mr. Godin, "No, it's not personal."
Terri Bryant Davie
What To Do When Its Your Turn is insightful however the message gets lost in the presentation.
The structure of the book gives one the impression that it belongs in a self help section of a school library.
The format lends itself to slogans presented at a business meeting power point presentation rather than in a book.
Would I recommend the content yes just not the book it its current format.
Ron Groce Miami Fl.
Prolific author Seth Godin never fails to deliver information designed to motivate, educate, and postulate. This latest offering also offers a variety of examples with which the reader can also commiserate! The varying challenges and situations described throughout the book are skillfully woven into the text to both extoll and cajole (Thanks Harry Belafonte!) to constantly keep the narrative and the reader moving forward.
In addition to the expected nuggets of insight expected from a Godin book, this book offers additional nuances that Godin has previously only allowed to “Peak Through” in his publications. From the moment the reader picks this book up their mind will be racing with a variety of questions. The most immediate aspect of this book that will catch the reader’s attention is the dramatic use of photographs and graphics. Each page utilizes bold and dramatic images and or/graphics to punctuate the specific point being made or to dramatize the story being shared. This is combined with an impressive use of color, splashed throughout the text. This use of colors serves the reader as a continued source of stimulation and at times even curiosity on “Why” a particular color may have been used. The last aspect of this latest entry on the Godin library also incorporates multiple font styles and sizes. Some pages may appear in standard format while the next page may use a completely differ font and size so that a single quote takes up the entire page. Each of these production aspects of this new book collectively challenge the reader to determine what type book is this? Is it a business advice book? A self-help book? A reference book? Or even a Coffee Table Book? For me the answer to this query is “All of the above!” With What To Do When It’s Your Turn, Godin has bridged the gap between each of these types of books and produced a product that could rightly be utilized (and displayed) in each of the settings described.
As with the design and appearance of the book, the content is equally compelling. The major themes throughout the book are consistent 1) you have a choice, 2) the choice is yours alone 3) you may choose incorrectly 4) you learn from all choices and most importantly 5) MAKE A CHOICE! Godin informs readers that the majority of our hesitation in making choices is “all in our heads.” Seth encourages the reader to embrace the mantra “We might fail.” This will offer us the freedom to move ahead, learn to “live with the tension” that choices bring and make choices without fear. Rarely is there 1) a perfect time for a choice, 2) an answer for all of related questions and 3) a guarantee that this will work. Godin concisely states, “We are unprepared to do something for the first time, always.”
Godin’s use of Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young (CSNY) to expand upon the story of Pythagoras and the Fifth Hammer resonated perfectly with me (pun intended!) As the sounds of CSNY flowed through my mind the point of combining different yet complimentary choices gained greater clarity. “There’s no pain-free path. But at least you can do something that matters.” This ability of Godin to weave historical information with current and pop culture event’s and icons is masterful.
This is perhaps my favorite feature of this book over all of the others Godin has authored. The vivid imagery and stories generated truly serve as encouragement as well as sources of new knowledge. As much as I enjoyed reading the text, I equally enjoyed exploring and searching for the examples Godin used. I would encourage all readers to take the additional time to search, explore, read and Listen (CSNY - Déjà Vu) all of the examples mentioned. From Harry Belafonte (see if you can identify what song Godin is referencing!), to Kafka, to Yertle the Turtle (Dr. Suess), to Charles and Jackson Pollock this book is a treasure chest of remarkable information for the reader to explore.
One of the closing remarks Godin offers in this remarkable publication is “Teaching rewards all of us.” Through this work Godin has certainly
Andy Gillentine – Columbia, SC
At first glance, this is a book I would never buy for myself. It is a book with 168 pages, if adjusted for spaces, large print, and pictures would amount to closer 50 pages- to me a waste of paper. It seems to be geared toward the internet generation with many one-liners and short essays- the kind of information that one reads in a blog, a facebook page, or a poster. It almost is a book that anyone could put together- just a collection of common expressions or what others might say.
The book is a series of feel good expressions reminiscent of the kind of messages that at one time one use to send in a “hallmark” card to someone depressed to help cheer them up. There is little organization and is a book that one could open up on any page and read and not miss anything. Each page is essentially a comment about a thought- the kind of messages people email to each other.
I personally prefer books that are well organized and have more substance. I buy books for information not fluff. I prefer books with well-developed thoughts.
Darlene Johnson, Coconut Grove
As I read Seth Godin’s newest book I was struck by how familiar its message is. Perhaps I could go back into my early life as a hippie and say that this book reminded me of a book I read many times, a book by Ram Das, called Be Here Now, published in 1971. At first it was the format and layout with lots of pictures. As I am visual in my learning and Ram Dass’s book was loaded with lots of pictures. Then as Seth’s message came through more clearly I had the feeling I have read about these same concepts before. Be Here Now was about being present and being filled with love and similarly Godin’s book was about being present, in our lives, as entrepreneurs, partners, parents and the larger goals we are striving for.
Just as being present is about taking responsibility for our lives so is Seth’s book: What to Do Until It’s Your Turn. This book’s perspective and creativity come from someone who is living and writing fifty years after Ram Dass. The message is similar, take responsibility for our lives, contribute and if need be fail. Very often failing is what we are looking for; only at the time it seems to be just the opposite.
Seth wrote in his book teaching others how to do something, doesn’t diminish what we are doing, as we still know how to do what we taught. In teaching others, what we have learned is the ultimate act of love, because now others can teach others. Seth says; take our turns, even if we don’t seem to be ready. Life is too short to live a life of safety, instead find others who are as excited about life as you are and help to inspire them, to take their turn.
I believe anyone would benefit from reading this book. Again not everyone is ready now or they may never be. I found the book to be fun and after all if it isn’t fun then why read it?
Tom Hinz Blue Lake, CA www.tomhinz.com
Godin always delivers. Not because he's always right, but because he practices what he preaches: he simply does. He does without fear of failure - at least he seems like he doesn't fear failure. Failure, or not fearing it, rather is a constant theme in his latest book. The takeaway? Don't bother being afraid to fail, because you will. And it's required. (p 131)
Sometimes, the book reads like a motivational or self-help book. However, Godin believes that "our need for motivation is due to our need for reassurance." (p43) No matter, his book is filled with what can be described as a series of pep talks and quotables. Not a bad thing at all.
Sure enough, Godin reminds us of the perils of mediocrity — always a signpost worth heeding. "Once you start compromising, when do you stop?" (p141) But if it's a lesson on not being boring or mediocre, it's best to refer back to Purple Cow. This book is about taking your turn to create something. Take your turn, because nobody will ever give it you.
Patrick Whiteside Miami, Florida
I can't tell you how many times I picked up this, bound collection of thoughts, then put it down in frustration. I thought I was going to love the large print, but, I found the watermark background distracting and the graphics downright annoying. I tried to embrace the compartmentalization. But I just couldn't get past the presentation.
A few positive, yet unoriginal messages were importance of taking action, the silver lining of failures, and benefits of rapport building to make that sale. Ra, ra, and all that great inspiration...
As much as I want to be motivated by the hallway walk or to "Just Do It," I couldn't help but feel I was reading a children's book. So, forgive me for not getting past my objections. To me, this book is a random collection of recycled platitudes. Sorry.
Kelly Reid
I truly enjoyed reading this book and loved the writing style Seth applied. The combination of images and short easy-to-read paragraphs, helped me better understand and retain the information. I believe the way we consume information on the Internet has trained us to consume more image rich information tied to bite-size bits of text.
Although each paragraph flows with the next, each one can stand on it's own and is fit to be quoted. I do see more people that are not into reading, potentially picking this book up because of the way it was designed and written. I also believe Seth was on to something when he chose to have people share this book with friends. This is one of those books that is easy to recommend to others.
I see myself referring back to this book to review all the great messages highlighted. Seth hits on so many great life teachings and provided plenty of useful quotes. The one that hit it for me was: " The book that will most change you life is the book you write." Make sure you hit a home run when it's you turn.
David Mesas Miami, FL https://twitter.com/DFMESAS
At first glance, leafing through the book and seeing the photos, sketches, drawings, pictures, bold titles,
print large and small, upside down writing colored boxes, shading, I thought to myself “What a fun and exciting book to read”.
And, I loved reading it. But, make no mistake. While the terrific presentation grabs the readers’ attention, the message is a serious one,
that is repeated in a multitude of fashions throughout the book including via stories, vignettes, biographies and quotations.
Godin’s directive is: go out there; take risks, don’t settle, don’t be afraid of failure (but embrace it), be your own person,
be a leader and not a follower, “TAKE YOUR TURN” as he phrases it.
The book is not necessarily for the business world although relevant to it, the message conveyed is for the world–at-large over and over again,
in a most delightful fashion.
LB Weinstein Miami Beach, FL
The book definitely delivers Seth Godin’s message (Always an invigorating one) with its call for: action, passion, freedom, challenges, risks and urgency.
Seth Godin truly writes in order to effect people. To help them make a change. To push them into action.
Do not get trapped by safety and/or fear but rather take the leap of change and opportunity into truly trying to make a difference.
Open your eyes, choose, dare to take your turn (and it always is your turn).
It is personal, urgent and in-your-face, leaving you no room to hide.
“Just Do it”
It is also inspiring, reminding you of your true authentic self, that is waiting to be unleashed.
You can get over whatever it is that stopping you and do what you truly care about.
Change can be painful but this book helps with the understanding that it is absolutely worthwhile.
You can go ahead and do your better work. Be You!
As Seth Godin puts in his own words “Making a ruckus is the path of love” and I absolutely agree.
On top of that, I love the unusual design/format of the book and I believe it is a big part of the effective delivery of its message.
The fonts, graphics, page layout, page size and even the quality of the paper are all fun and creative. Really yummy.
This makes the book an easy and enjoyable read while you are internalizing its message.
Smadar Sasson Miami, FL
A 'collection' of social science based and anecdotal stories, quotes , photographs, and illustrations both graphic and verbal to essentially motivate you to "ship", "do it" and to know its your turn to "take".
The book is written in a somewhat clipped prose style . No long streams of paragraphs however no enumerative series of points either . Mr . Godin is heralded and a prolific writer and this is his latest book to show and cajole one into a productive, fierce and creative life.
The "elevator " parable opens the book, two executives " trapped" on a broken escalator , one screaming out for help the other frustrated and waiting for rescue . They do not see the simple option of merely walking up or down the now immobile escalator to safety. "This is a book about seeing the stuck, getting unstuck, and working within and swimming upstream in a system that often would prefer that you merely stand still. It"s about realizing that it's your turn, always your turn, and understanding that once you see the opportunity, it's yours".
Interesting points about obligation. "Obligation is not a two -way street." "We do good work when we repay a debt. But the feeling of being owed destroys our ability to do good work." "The feeling of being owed is toxic".
While we have to understand that , Mr Godin says this does not let us off the hook of our obligations. The "productive artist" is owed nothing from their audience ....yet the the productive audience "owes the audience, and in unlimited measure."
Mr. Godin goes between just pushing ( "it's your turn") and answering the demon questions that may be holding the creative person back ("one day , I'll be ready" "Shame and Failure"....). While the emphasis is the "push"... He does emphasis responsibility and "thirst " ...of learning and doing. There are many observations and pointers that address what "creativity" means now , today. "What does better mean?". "Today , better means more connected. Something we would miss if it were gone. In the connection economy,better means more human, more vulnerable , the thing that embraces the tension of works/might not work." Brilliant and on the mark.
The emphasis in the book is truly on motivating the individual . The push truly is "it"s your turn ." Not on what you need to acquire for it to be your turn . Through the different anecdotes and question posing he works in through the back door approach of showing the things a truly creative person has . This is important because many times in the work place today many people are not lacking the push of feeling it's always their turn yet do not have for example the knowledge and in many cases the heavy wait of what they are owed, the other persons obligation to them . Very smart advice in "My Boss Won't Let Me "section.... "Steal, give credit and ship..."
He does close with creating with love and a book sharing log in the back of the book ( he is a clever marketer, creating the important buzz).
And yes you will share without hesitation as the format allows for the full bell curve of readers.
Heather Lee, Miami Beach, Fl
Dr. Wayne Dyer had written a book, “You’ll See it When You Believe It,” and I think that this philosophy is repeated, and expanded upon, in Godin’s “What to Do When It’s Your Turn (and it’s always your turn).” Both books talk about being presented with Opportunities – and acting on them! Dyer’s book is more of a self-help “trust your instincts” and “go with your gut feelings” manual. Godin has decided to just take a page or two and make a statement – sometimes with an illustration, and sometimes not. Lots of statements there – so something should appeal to just about everyone.
Remember those Positive Thinking posters that used to be all over company walls? Reading through Godin’s newest book, I could see so many of them plastered on the wall, ready to be read, thought about, and acted upon! And “acted upon” is what it’s all about. Godin hits the nail on the head when he talks about people talking about doing something special “when…….. (insert whatever barrier you want here…). “I’ll look for a new job when/after this happens” -- or “I’ll try out that new design or new music (or whatever else you’ve been procrastinating), when………”
Do It Now! Accept the fact that there might be failure – but then again, there might also be success! Godin has stressed this concept in all his books, and this latest book states it again, in short parables and sentences.
Seth Godin is sort of the grandparent I didn’t have…. My family was raised without having extended family around… there were no grandparents, or aunts, or uncles, to guide/mentor us on Life 101. So, with this book, we’re given the opportunity to read, reflect, act upon, and then SHARE these ideas with others, so they can do the same! Spread ideas horizontally – person to person to person – and maybe there can be some positive changes to our community.
Here’s a link to more on Godin’s book:
http://www.yourturn.link/ Betty G Hubschman, Whitsett, NC
During and after my first reading of this book, I was confused. What was I supposed to get out of this confusing book. I am tired of being told that change happens and having to constantly attend training or read material designed to get me to accept change! I did not like the way it was written nor how the material was presented. But decided to give it another go and read it again!
After this second reading I gradually began to like the book and understood what Seth was writing about. I was really bothered by this writing style because its not what I was expecting even after reading the author's website and Richard's warning. I also began to understand this was not another book about accepting change, but a book about how I have a choice!
So I get it, this book is worth reading not just one time but perhaps three times before a person really starts to take the advice Seth is putting out there...Take charge of your life and live the way you want to. Not for any one else but for you.
You almost feel compelled to consider what you supposed to be doing with your life, what you should be doing and what you are doing. Then after contemplating that, you are asked to think about what might be the next step to make your life your own. Love it!
The author wants the reader to understand not only your own relevance, but also introduces ideas such as not relying on others and not falling into the trap of assuming the world owes you a not only a living but also your own happiness. You are responsible for both!
You have a choice is drummed in to the reader every step of the way. Wonder if Seth Godin was influenced by Stephen Covey and his teachings. You have the choice to say yes or no, to go left or right.
I really enjoyed the idea that we not fear failure or change, but embrace it and most importantly learn from these acts.
Keep this book by your desk or where you put books to be read and read a few pages over and over again!
I did pass one book to a co-worker, after I put my name in it of course. I asked her to pass it on to someone else or keep it...its her choice. I will encourage my daughter and son to read this book as well as their spouses...I want it back though. ;-)
Forrest Carper
The unique format of Seth Godin's latest book is an attention getter!
While attracting attention with beautiful pictures, it intrigues the potential reader enough to pick up the book to discover what the book is actually about......opportunity and the freedom to use it. The book encourages and inspires someone to learn new things, create new ideas, or just do something you always wanted to do.
Take the opportunity to make things happen and change for the better.
Godin gives encouragement to "Go for it! Why wait to be ready? Your idea is important and it just might work. Think what you would have missed for not even trying!" There's no guarantee of success, but something will happen. If it's not what you are looking for, try another way.
This is the kind of book that should be read more than once and the perfect book to discuss with others to share thoughts, ideas, and information gleaned from it. It is full of examples and reasons to go ahead with your ideas without fear of failure. Each time I read it, I found something I hadn't seen before or something that clicked that didn't before. It's too much to absorb all at once in one reading.
Discussing Godin's book with others is the best way to get the most inspiration to seize the day, do more, and follow your dreams.
In Parade Magazine on March 1 this year, there was an article "Anything is Possible"... Everyday people are changing the world. In my head I could hear Seth Godin say.......Now it's your turn to be one of those people!
Margot Byrnes Miami, Florida
I like how Seth Godin combines the book with historical tidbits about historical figures with an invitation to take our turn in the making of our ruckus: "Go, take your turn," he says. How apt that I started reading this book today, Women's International Day as the face that jumps out at me from the cover of the book is that of Annie Kenney, a 19th Century mill worker from England who upon asking a member of Parliament his position on the right to vote refused to answer prompting Annie to make her own ruckus. And the rest, as they say, is history. This is what all of us must learn to do because this is how maps get charted into totally unexpected new worlds.
Whatever you do, don't just read the book for the sake of reading it even though it is that good. As Godin himself, points out "Books don't change people. People change people. As much as we're inclined to think that we're insignificant, the truth is that each one of us holds enough power to set the whole world on fire. This book is about that. About doing things without worrying if there is price tag attached to it. About bringing in ideas that will change the world taking it all the way to the beginning: your world. So that you are not timid about spilling those ideas into your community. Together, we make change possible. This book is about "making noise and letting "them" know, you're there!"
If you are willing to give your all, that is. As the book reminds us, many of us doubt ourselves because we are torn between certainty and taking a risk, between circumstance and creative choice, between the familiar and the unknown. In short, it is the Fear of Freedom as displayed in one of the pages of the book, but then Godin reassures us by way of a "memo" and I quote: "Mostly, a memo to the struggling human who faces the abyss of taking a turn and is sure that this is the end of everything: it's not." Aaaah, beautiful ! It is a mistake to buy into the illusion that such opportunity is only available to a few chosen ones when in reality we are all chosen. Just as Annie had the courage to rise up to the occasion, this book is an invitation to stop giving up our turn at every turn.
Nadja Atkinson Miami, FL. www.cafeconlechefund.org
When I first received the book I said, "What a weird book." Upon further review I said, "Wow this looks like a great , inspiring, positive, upbeat book." Then I opened it and to my surprise, there were pictures. Interested before even beginning to read it. Love the titles of the other books of the author. The reader gets a feel you're in for an exciting journey.
I loved the idea of dancing with fear and doing what you love anyway. Gives the reader the courage to go past the fear and walk through the door of the unknown.
By the time I was half way through with the book I felt this urging deep inside to remember my childhood dreams. I found myself on a journey into the depth of my inner imagination and started to feel my creative juices flowing.
As the book took me on a roller coaster ride of emotions I found it refreshing to laugh at myself and my resistance to the words and the unspoken action that would widen my world and the world of those about me.
The book not only gives the reader the courage to try but the knowledge that others have failed/feared and walked through to a new experience. The book is full of interesting facts that kept me interested and excited with every turn of the page. The anticipation of what's next was intriguing,
This book makes you want to write a book so I'm going to stop now as I could go on and on about what a marvelous read this was.
Deborah Harris, Hallandale Beach, FL
Ok, so now it’s my turn, and after reading Seth Godin’s latest I find it hard to organize my thoughts and write. I like to write, and have never felt fearful, but this book makes one fearful. Or maybe it makes me wonder why I wasn’t fearful.
I love to read, but I didn’t enjoy this book. The book is definitely different and interesting and perhaps would encourage people who do not normally like to read. I had no issue with the format, but rather with the cluttered ramblings that came across too negative for my taste. I felt as though I was being chastised for things I am not guilty of.
Godin writes of everyone being afraid to take their turn, whereas I would be annoyed if I didn’t get my turn. Perhaps the book is a wake-up call for those afraid to start, afraid of failure, or just plain afraid, but this negative approach just irritated me.
Emily Gilday
Seth Godin has this way of reaching at once into your mind and your heart to make you revisit something you thought you understood, and asking you to look at it from a completely different standpoint. His latest work, WHAT TO DO WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN (and it's always your turn), is an enjoyable read about identifying and committing to your life's purpose and taking your turn instead of hiding behind fear, procrastination and self-seeking guarantees of certainty of security. This is what Seth calls the work of a grownup - "Embracing the fear of freedom, deciding to determine your own path, this is the work of a grownup, of someone who can identify what truly matters."
WHAT TO DO WHEN IT'S YOUR TURN is a must-read for any intelligent life form who has been educated in American universities, where we are subtly taught to only take our turn when we are told to, where we are groomed for working in an industrial-age workplace where roles are defined from without, and compliance seems a necessary trade-off for promotions, raises, and climbing the ladder. Seth invites us to let go of these rigid roles, and he insists that we let go of the guarantees which seduce us into abdicating our potential and choosing mediocrity and compromise. He lets us know that making friends with fear, failure, and responsibility leads the way to living an authentic, creative life.
This colorful, simple, entertaining, and stimulating treatise extends the most delicious invitation - to make our gift to society by rising up, overcoming fear, and becoming the fullness of ourselves. "People who are open to uncertainty are the pathfinders for the rest of us..." and as Ernest Hemingway reminds us, "You'll ache, and you're going to love it. It will crush you. And you're still going to love all of it. Doesn't it sound lovely beyond belief?"
Trish Caballero
People can identify their own fears, but this book takes it further into looking at what is behind the fear itself. We learn to allow ourselves the thought that “not everything has to be okay”.
I admired the concept of the “fifth hammer” which shows that you don’t have to follow the rules to have a greater impact. Whether you fierce and need more motivation or merely curious about getting started and embrace the fear to gain more freedom — this book is very worthwhile.
Peter Kihn
Giving. This is one of the most genuine, thoughtful and giving books and I’d like to say thank you! Like the egg-white omelet, this book is remarkable. The level of visual appeal and detail from the front foldout cover to the back is exquisite. Advice, explanation, and a compelling story told by a caring teacher. Nothing left up to interpretation. Seth shares his concern by simplistic clarity in every message. His repetition to keep you engaged, and recall the last example is designed to ensure you don’t forget. Leading by example in the tone of selflessness and caring of sharing the message to take your turn.
We live in a world of sound bites. Seth takes compelling, relatable stories told in such precision that each scenario can be clearly summarized in less than ten words. For many people, a voice of support, empowerment and direction is not present. This is the present from Seth for anyone to accept and embrace what is out there for you.
Seth asks the tough questions. The tough questions we might hire a strategic life coach to push us past our limits. The fears, thoughts and feelings everyone is having, but no one will talk about are uncovered and exposed. This book is written for everybody. No boundaries of who you are, where you come from or where you want to go. This book is for you. This is really a guide for a healthy approach to take ownership, get out of your own way, recognize those that are encouraging the noises in your head and giving you permission to change course and take your turn.
Angie Stone
I was introduced to Seth Godin through this book review club. I have been fortunate to have been able to read and review interesting and thought-provoking works such as Free Prize Inside, All Marketers are Liars, and The Big Moo. All were great reads, with useful and wise theses on a wide-range of topics.
While I enjoyed his latest book, What To Do When It's Your Turn, it didn't give me any of the "ah-ha" moments of his previous titles. What To Do felt, in a way, recycled. There were some interesting stories of how people embraced conflict and took risks. It turned into a written pep talk on getting out and trying to become the change you wish to see in the world.
Deep down, it feels like this book is merely a vehicle for Godin's attempt to find a new way to distribute books (including providing the book club reviewers with two books - one to share). Its format (more a glossy magazine than a book) over function.
I fought with it. In the end, however, I understood that Godin was practicing what the book preached - doing something different, trying to push the edges and make something new. Godin continues to do what he loves in new and interesting ways, and I look forward to reading his next book. Isn't that what this is all about?
Scott D. Rembold Coral Gables, FL
He has done it again; Set Godin talking a new spin on the presentation of content; in his new book entitled What to Do When It’s Your Turn he explored a series of business related concepts
In a true act of marketing master, Seth engages the readers through series of eye catching photos, large fonts and typical devotes one topic per page. While interweaving anecdotes and stories Seth keeps the reader on the edge of their seat as the book unfolds the story one at a time.
It is hard to ignore the hard work that went into the identification collection and integration of facts in this book. Mind (and also eye/…) catching phrases such as the Illusion of the safety are featured alongside topics such as Bravery and Courage are for other people.
The artistic elements of this book are overwhelming the simple reader. This is not your run of the mill marketing book nor is it a text book for business people. Its beauty is in the subliminal messages that create a visual image of the concepts as one progress through the pages. The book’s unusual size and quality of the paper adding to the overall reading experience.
Doron Zilbershtein
I've read several marketing books by Seth Godin, all of them very creative and marketing oriented.
However, "What to Do When Its Your Turn" is more a an overall life perspective book. Page after page of stories, pictures and wisdom--on how we need to prepare ourselves for greatness with accepting your freedom as a gift as a major them throughout.
The book is for entrepreneurs, those considering entrepreneurship, and family dealing with the human condition and the fact that it is always our turn to be ready for the next turn in life. The pictures and layout of the book bring it to one continuous journey of life lessons. I am giving the second copy to one of my sons, as he is discovering the lessons of life just out of school and Seth Godin's essays are extremely thought provoking.
I think it is best enjoyed a few pages at a time, stopping and meditating on the relevance to our own lives as reader, human being, and person committed to our own success.
Great inspiring essays deal with subjects such as "The Person who Fails Most, Wins" (it means you are staying in the game), "Fear of Stupidity" (it isn't being stupid that is the problem, it is the feeling we often associate with it), "When is the right time" (never is, so we need to grab the moment--how much I could relate to this having brought up a family), "Free will and the play-by-play in your head (how self-talk affects us), "One day, I'll be ready" (some people are not thirsty enough or as Les Brown says, "You've got to be HUNGRY"), "Program or be programmed" ("Either you're the creator or you're the audience. Either you're waiting your turn or taking it), and so many more gems of wisdom by Seth Godin punctuated with wonderful relevant photography interspersed.
This was a surprising book as it talked about the challenges of being human and being ready for the next experience around the corner. I highly recommend it.
Randy B. Lichtman, Miami, FL.